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Health consulting that helps you move forward towards wellbeing

Health is many things.

To me health is a combination of mental and physical wellbeing.

Sometimes it's difficult to make sense of the symptoms you feel in your body. From my perspective the health industry has become so specialized, that for some it may feel as if they are a stuck in a jungle of  different specialist doctors, saying different things.


And even after you have contacted a doctor, the immediately feedback might be that there is nothing wrong. Which really just is another way of saying, that you doesn't fit into the system and that your symptoms dont make sense to the health industry. The symptoms do not make sense, in a way where the health system safely say what kind of imbalance your body is trying to point out.


Which is good!

The thing is, that this system is not that great for the individual,  if you still feel the symptoms/soreness/ pain and you know in your heart that something is still off. That position can ultimately potentially cause a lot of physical and mental stress.


I experience again and again how well it works when we include both body and mind in a treatment and work with both at the same time. The physical and the mental, through body therapy and yoga, and through talking about diet and lifestyle. Just raising awareness and getting help to understand symptoms and their contexts from another point of view, can help alleviate symptoms. It can be a matter of correcting imbalances and sometimes is only about small adjustments. In other cases its about greater adjustments. Every situation is individual and it takes time to get to the core of the problem. For some it might be enough to only with the diet, and for others something more practical and hands-on is needed.


When I work with health consulting and lifestyle changes, including diet changes, I always have great respect for what is possible and realistic for you as the client


And I support you by finding strategies and routines that can make the changes more manageable. That being said - you must be prepared to make changes and take action. Talking about something doesn't make the difference. The largest part of the work is done at home and in your everyday life, when you choose to make changes in your behavior and choices .

I work with many different issues. Among other;

â–º Migraine
â–º Digestive issues, eg. IBS, colitis, chron, leaky gut
â–º Eczema, including psoriasis
â–º Chronic pain patients
â–º Fibromyalgia
â–º Low metabolism, Hashimotos
â–º Endometriosis


The common ground between all issues and consultations, is that I focus on how your body functions and how it can be optimized. I always focus on how we together can create more wellbeing.

I work with the bigger picture, and to me its about everything you are and how we can elevate that through diet, exercise, lifestyle and how you generally feel in your body doing your daily life. If you are insecure and depressed,  then it is essential to work with this in order to work on improving your physical condition. I often combine health consulting with body therapy because it is my experience that it elevates the effect and creates more wellbeing to include the mental, emotional and physical.


If you have any questions about whether I can help you with a given problem, please write an email to me and share about what you experience.

Unexplained symptoms?

Sometimes we notice symptoms in the body that do not fit into any particular category or diagnosis. And maybe we are even being investigated and told that there is nothing wrong - which is good. But it does make the symptoms to go away - or the inner noise, stress and concern. This is one of the areas where health counseling can support you, and where, with my experience with working with health, I will do my best to move you towards wellbeing.

In doubt?

Sometimes we are simply in doubt about if a symptom is something we should act on or not. Perhaps the symptom is something we have felt for as long as we remember, that we have gotten used to, even though it creates stress and noise in our everyday life. Perhaps it is something new that we have never experienced before, which seems harmless, but does not seem to go away by itself. If you dont know if your symptom requires action, then health consulting can help give you clarity and feel more clear about your options. 

Better options?

You might be in a situation where you have tried various treatments or received medication, and nothing seems to bring back wellbeing to your life. An advantage of health consulting is that I am often able to guide you to a treatment or option that you or your doctor might not even know  existed. Another thing I experience is that I  often see your symptoms in a way, where I can spot if you need to start somewhere else, than you believed - maybe it is more rewarding to start with your digestion and not your thoughts.


Jeg har modtaget Theresas hjælp igennem 1 år. Da vi ikke bor i nærheden af hinanden,

er det foregået gennem mails, Skype eller Messenger.Jeg har aldrig tidligere været syg, haft sygedage eller haft den store kontakt med sundhedsvæsnet. Jeg fik ingen hjælpe/meget lidt hjælp fra sundhedsvæsnet da jeg endelig henvendte mig med nedenstående symptomer.

Jeg havde det virkeligt dårligt. Det var kommet snigende over et års tid. Med mange forskellige symptomer. Hårtab, negler der knækkede, muskelsmerter, uro i benene, mavesmerter, dårlig hukommelse og enorm træthed. Jeg tog fast smertestillende hver dag. Jeg havde ingen overskud til andet end at gå på arbejde. Med Theresas hjælp, fik jeg hjælp til at få taget relevante blodprøver ved lægen, der viste forskellige ubalancer.Theresa har oplyst mig om forskellige test jeg har kunne vælge at bestille. Therese har guidet mig gennem kost og div. Kosttilskud. Samt anbefalet en dygtig kropsterapeut i nærheden af hvor jeg bor. Jeg har fået mit liv tilbage. Jeg tager ikke smertestillende mere. Jeg har overskud til mine 3 børn, min mand og et meget aktivt liv.Theresa er bundærlig og kommer med skarpe observationer og råd. Theresa har en enorm indlevelse, empati og viden. Jeg kan kun give Theresa mine allervarmeste anbefalinger.

—  Line 

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